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Our Certification

       Institute of International Teachers Training is an acclaimed organization worldwide and is accred-
       ited by several institutes such as International Association for Distance Learning, International
       Montessori Society and Association for Early Childhood Care and Education. These associations
       and accreditations from various parts of the globe are a clear example that Institute of Interna-
       tional Teachers Training has made its mark in the field of teacher training and has become a lead-
       ing name. A student pursuing any teacher training course from IITT is eligible to work in any part
       of the globe as the certificates mention the accreditation by these prestigious institutes.

         Awards and Recognition

      We are proud to announce that Institute of
      International  Teachers  Training  has  been
      selected as the top 100 Indian companies by
      the  Franchising  World  magazine.  We  feel
      that our hard work and dedication has led to
      the growth and earned us the reputation to
      be one of the best pre and primary institu-
      tions of India. We would like to thank our
      teachers, academic councillors and IT per-

      sonnel for their hard work and dedication to
      take the organization forward.

      IITT  has  been  awarded  in  the  category  of
      Nursery Teacher Training under Skill Learn-
      ing on Indian Education Awards, in 2018.
      This is a motivation for the entire team to
      take  the  organization  forward  byproviding
      the best quality teachers training.

      IITT  has  also  been  awarded  as  the  Best

      Teachers  Training  Institute  in  India  in  the
      prestigious  India  Education  Awards,  by
      Blindwinks in 2018 making us the leading
      Teachers  Training  Institute  in  pan  India
      basis. This is another feather in the cap and
      an encouragement to push ourselves even
      more so as to produce the best teachers to
      educate children.

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