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EDITORIAL                                                                 The New Year brings new

                                                                                    hopes and goals and while
           A New Year’s Message                                                     marching forward in this
                                                                                    year (2018), we will take a

                                                                                    look at the last year to
                                                                                    understand what more
                                                                                    could have been achieved.
                                                                                    As a leading organization in
                                                                                    imparting     primary     and
                                                                                    pre-primary  education,  we
                                                                                    at the Institute of Interna-
                                                                                    tional  Teachers  Training
                                                                                    aim to train teachers who
                                                                                    will educate, guide and mo-
                                                                                    tivate  children.  To  put  a
                                                                                    smile on the faces of the

                                                                                    little ones and their families
                                                                                    is  our  ultimate  New  Year’s
      When speaking of new hopes we wish to help and educate chil-
      dren in the rural areas along with the cities and in doing so we will
      be bridging the gap between the teaching methodologies and

      quality of education of the two areas. Currently, we have branches
      in most states of India and in this year we plan to expand more. We
      have students from all over the world such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
      South Africa and others. The courses taught at our institute are
      designed according to the global standards and we believe that in
      this year our international courses will help more and more people
      become teachers dedicated to imparting education to children and
      help them grow up to be responsible human beings.

      We, the entire team of IITT believe in women empowerment and
      this year we look forward to creating more programs and work-
      shops for women. As women play the most crucial role in nurturing
      children and teaching them both the basics and essentials of life,
      we encourage them to join us to be independent working individu-

      als. Women who are homemakers or are pursuing jobs but looking
      for a change will benefit highly by taking up our courses.
      As  a  teachers  training  institute  we  feel  that  one’s  contribution
      towards sustainable development in the society is a must and this
      year we plan to involve ourselves in numerous CSR activities as
      responsible corporate citizens.

      Lastly,  we  would  like  to  express  our  gratitude  to  our  Academic
      Coordinators,  Academic  Trainers  and  IT  members  who  have
      worked tirelessly to help IITT grow and develop. We wish them and
      you, our sincere reader a very Happy and Prosperous New Year
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